Wednesday, March 3, 2010

With a child's heart


  1. Magda, you have captured every detail of this child portrait. I love hands that you can see every little crease...and the hair is AWESOME. Great work lady!

  2. Thank you so much, Ms. Tracy. It's always so nice to hear such comments, especially when we are still learning how to draw. Before I started this portrait, I told Rachael that his hand and his hair are the parts that I'm most worried about... so it makes me really happy that you like the outcome :)

    Lots of love,

  3. Wow - if you guys are just learning how to draw - I can't even imagine what fantastic work you will produce in your prime. This picture is awesome in capturing the calm - and I agree with Tracy - the hair is awesome!!!

  4. Thank you for your beautiful comment, Ms. Joan. With all the support we get from our family and friends we have even more courage to learn and to work harder on our drawings :)

    Lots of love,
